I’ve been holding on to a series of designs for quite a while now (by quite a while now, I mean a few years) with a vague hope of publishing them together as a stand-alone collection. However, life continues to get in the way of such ambitious desires. And meanwhile, these designs are collecting dust on my computer’s hard drive. So, I think it’s high time to start publishing them individually, and maybe the collection will come together at a later date.
I’ve sent one of these patterns off for print publication (keep an eye out for it at the end of this year). And I’m thinking of publishing another one myself in the upcoming weeks. The problem is that these patterns have been languishing for so long, I feel like I need to test knit them again to make sure everything is perfect before I publish. So, it may be a little bit before I can actually get the design up on Ravelry. But in the meantime, I wanted to share a sneak peek of a photo my brother and I shot quite a while ago, of the lace shawl design I shall call Alhambra. We shot this photo in the Garde Theater in New London, which features a Moroccan theme and seemed like a good fit for the shawl. I later shot better photos outdoors, but I kind of like the vintage mood of the dark interior here. So, just to spark your interest, here is one quick photo of Alhambra, to be published in the upcoming months!

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