When I first started this website and blog, my fabulous web designer suggested I get an account on Pinterest. She thought it would be a good place to showcase my designs. I hemmed and hawed and never did it. I think I was feeling a bit of social media overload, and I didn’t want to add yet another platform to the mix.
But now, with my newest pattern collection just days away from launch (September 9 is the big day!!) I want to get my designs out there and noticed. So, I finally took the plunge and set myself up on Pinterest. And I’m loving it already!
Pinterest seems like the ideal platform to showcase my work. In particular, it’s great for highlighting eye-catching photos that lead the viewer to more information or another site. Instagram is also fantastic for photos, but there are a few things I don’t like about Instagram. First of all, I find the photo dimensions really limiting. Second, it doesn’t allow for links within the post. So, it’s great for photographic focal points, but not great for what I want, which is to show off my designs AND lead people to my blog. Pinterest does both these things perfectly!
After hunting about on Pinterest for a bit, I saw how other bloggers create “pins” for their blog posts, and I decided to create a template for my own. I wanted it to keep in line with the color schema and themes of my website, with a simple and lovely feel, just enough info to catch the eye, and a photo to draw in the viewer. I’m happy with the final design I’ve made:
This template is easily customizable in Photoshop, and it only takes me a few minutes to shift around the text and photos when I want to make a new pin.
The other nice thing about this new Pinterest venture is that it is giving me the opportunity to go back through my blog posts and designs all over again! I keep thinking to myself: hey! We’ve actually done a pretty good job with these photos and designs!

I’m hoping these new pins will draw more attention to the helpful how-to posts on my blog:
And, I’m surprised to find some of my designs already pinned on the platform! It’s interesting to see what knitters choose to pin, and it gives me an idea of what is popular.
I hope you’ll come along and follow me on Pinterest as I continue to post new pins daily! And keep an eye out for my next blog post, where I will give sneak peeks of my soon-to-be-released collection!
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