I'm in a bit of a holding "pattern" (pun intended) at the moment, as I try to work through some problematic custom orders and await news on a new pattern submission and publication. So, in the meantime, I'm going to reminisce once more about our delightful trip this summer to visit my brother in …
UK trip
Nettles and Wool
Anyone who has spent time wandering around sheep and cow pastures in the UK is familiar with this little plant - perhaps painfully so: The stinging nettle grows abundantly in the UK, and if you've ever brushed up against one with your bare ankle, you won't forget it any time soon. They don't …
Woolfest 2019
This past week my family and I returned from our trip abroad to visit my brother in the UK. It was a wonderful trip, with unbelievably nice weather, lots of sights to behold, and most of all a chance to spend time as a family. I will be regaling you with photos from the trip for quite some time to …