Pattern Support
I am happy to provide assistance and support with my patterns. If you have a question, are having difficulty, or find an error in a Bridget Pupillo Knitwear Designs pattern, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can reach me through the Contact Form on this website or message me on Ravelry (my user name is Brigiknits).
I will respond to all inquiries as soon as possible, typically within 48 hours.
All of the patterns at Bridget Pupillo Knitwear Designs have been tech edited and tested for accuracy, but occasionally an error makes its way into a published pattern. Whenever I catch a small error, I update the pattern immediately and publish the new version in Ravelry as well as Knit Picks. I also make small improvements to patterns without errors, such as improved charts or updated formatting. These improvements are also published in a new version on Ravelry and Knit Picks. If you purchased the pattern before the newest version has been uploaded, you can download an updated copy from your original point of purchase (Ravelry or Knit Picks) free of charge. If you find an error in the most recent version, please alert me right away so that I can correct it.