I’m in a bit of a holding “pattern” (pun intended) at the moment, as I try to work through some problematic custom orders and await news on a new pattern submission and publication.
So, in the meantime, I’m going to reminisce once more about our delightful trip this summer to visit my brother in the UK. It seems like a lifetime ago already, but the good news is that my brother recently got confirmation that he will be in England for at least one more year. And that means…we can likely go to visit him again next summer! We are already scheming to get to Woolfest again, and maybe work in a trip to Yorkshire!
But back to last summer. One of our fun little trips was done entirely on foot. Just outside my brother’s little town is a large hill called The Hoad – already sounds quite fairy-tailish, no? Atop said hill is a monument to Sir John Barrow in the form of a replica (non-functioning) lighthouse. Barrow was a founding member of the Royal Geographic Society, so it all makes sense, I suppose.

We began our ascent at the little park at the base of the hill, where we later spent time enjoying the UK’s superior level of playground equipment and wondering how many law suits would be filed if an unsupervised zipline were installed in a public park in the US. Also to be noted: even a tiny little park in the UK features glorious roses.

Not far from the base of the hill is a miniature standing stone circle, the perfect size for fairy folk and very small humans.

After a short but steep ascent, we were rewarded with spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. With the ubiquitous flocks of sheep, of course.

One thing I love about northern UK weather is its changeability. The view from one side of the hill is sunny and bright. The other side broods with ominous clouds. Both sides are stunning in their own way.

We watched our step for thistle poking out of the grass.

And we enjoyed the view of my brother’s town, nestled in the valley below like something from a Constable painting.

My brother is a lucky human being, to have this view at his back door! We can’t wait for another opportunity to hike The Hoad!
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